NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SUNDOG SPORT FEBRUARY 23 , 2023 SUNDOG SPORT Announces SPONSORSHIP of the 2023 WOLFTRACK CLASSIC DOG SLED RACE Located in Ely Minnesota, this annual event runs through Downtown Ely along Taconite State Trail and back to Ely. The event starts at 9 AM on Sunday, February 26, 2023 ELY,…
ExploreNEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SUNDOG SPORT FEBRUARY 1, 2023 SUNDOG SPORT Announces SPONSORSHIP of the 2023 KLONDIKE DOG DERBY Located in Downtown, Excelsior Minnesota on Lake Minnetonka, this event runs Friday and Saturday, February 3 and 4, 2023 EXCELSIOR – LAKE MINNETONKA, MINNESOTA, FEBRUARY 3 and 4, SUNDOG SPORT, is pleased to…
ExploreSUNDOG SPORT Announces SPONSORSHIP of the 2023 JOHN BEARGREASE SLED DOG MARATHON This historic event is scheduled for Sunday January 29, 2023 CARLTON/DULUTH/TWO HARBORS/FINLAND/GRAND PORTAGE MINNESOTA, JANUARY 29, 2023. SUNDOG SPORT, is pleased to be partnering with the race organizers of the internationally renowned John Beargrease Sled Dog Race Series, as sponsor for…
ExploreEly, MN – Kondos Outdoors, an Ely based manufacturer crafting canoe packs, camping gear, and dog sport gear, is moving up– to the top of the hill that is. Soon you will hear the hum of the cutting table and the rhythmic punching of the sewing machines at its new location at 145 East Chapman…